You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 8, 2007.


JCP001: IM me in a few
OneLastCigarette: whats a few?
OneLastCigarette: i want a divorce
JCP001: you’re a faggot
OneLastCigarette: you used to get it in ya fishnets, now ya only get it in ya night dress.
OneLastCigarette: are we doing this or what
JCP001: you love it
OneLastCigarette: it wasnt immediate
JCP001: but you warmed up quickly
OneLastCigarette: did we start?
OneLastCigarette: cause theres a pace to maintain
JCP001: this is how we do. you have to let the magic happen
JCP001: arctic monkeys favourite worst nightmare
JCP001: what are these dudes? 16?
OneLastCigarette: they made that last album(link) and it had several indie rock bangers…
OneLastCigarette: 16 and a half
OneLastCigarette: so they made this big pop video and i got those immediate fanboy feelings like they “strayed from the formula”, but when i heard the album a few times, yeah i warmed up fast
OneLastCigarette: last christmas sometime, me and nick were in cozy’s having massive burgers and we were talking about this band and that band, and he goes like those fucking arctic monkey kids.
OneLastCigarette: so im like who the fuck’s the arctic monkeys
JCP001: they’ve got some good rock here
OneLastCigarette: theyve evolved
JCP001: dennis would love it
OneLastCigarette: last time he had the lyrics but the songs were a bit disjointed, it almost felt like he was always just talking. this album is tighter and more well thought out
JCP001: the screwed thing is that even the old stuff is good too, but this record is def more thought out
JCP001: there’s something sloppy about “Whatever People Say I Am…” but good sloppy. not like fat girl in a tube top sloppy
OneLastCigarette: the album cover of “whatever…” is a picture of the singer from a photo booth after a night of binge drinking. i think they were going for a certain something
OneLastCigarette: they won the 2006 mercury prize for that album
JCP001: what the fuck is the mercury prize?
OneLastCigarette: i dont know look at wikipedia. you think their moms told me this shit?
OneLastCigarette: and if im not mistaken they gave the money to an (if im not mistaken) undisclosed charity
OneLastCigarette: but i heard that award money to charity story somewhere else a long time ago
JCP001: isn’t that righteous
OneLastCigarette: totally admirable and british
OneLastCigarette: you think we would get hate mail if i said i think brits are actually savages?
JCP001: they’re compared to the futureheads who kinda suck after a while
JCP001: more sex pistols less beatles in attitude would be more fun
OneLastCigarette: yeah, im sure theyre happy to be compared to the futureheads. low expec. i think if some band hears theyve been compared to the stones on their first album just panics
JCP001: they’re not the stones if you’re implying that
OneLastCigarette: do they play the video 37 times a day there? euro mtv plays it all day, shows their live show, and interview snippets inbetween
OneLastCigarette: no, i was trying to pick a big name british band, none in particular
JCP001: i don’t watch mtv.
JCP001: beyond my age bracket.
OneLastCigarette: oh thats right, it sucks balls there. you actually wanna watch it here. like in the morning you can leave it on, no fat white chicks bungie jumping or kids learning how to figure skate (MADE: I WANNA BE A PROFESSIONAL FIGURE SKATER)
JCP001: can we finish this in an hour?
OneLastCigarette: do i have a choice
JCP001: not really
OneLastCigarette: go cuddle with paul and watch your one hour drama
One hour later…
JCP001: ok
OneLastCigarette: uh..?
OneLastCigarette: lemme sit up
JCP001: eww
OneLastCigarette: i was laying down on my side, what?
OneLastCigarette: so talk about the album, douche.
JCP001: the only song that breaks this album’s momentum is that slow jam in the middle
OneLastCigarette: i like it. its reminiscent of the slow tracks off the old albums, he didnt hit it in the right way this time. despair in the departure lounge off the ep is their ultimate slow jam i think
JCP001: they have like a blur/franz ferdinand thing going with a better pay off
OneLastCigarette: oh
OneLastCigarette: i got a blurb from tim duffy
JCP001: ok
JCP001: hit me
OneLastCigarette: one sec
OneLastCigarette: fillmerejive (6:09:46 PM): i like it alot, i think they’re a special band, and i think he’s one of the strongest songwriters working today
JCP001: “special band” just doesn’t sit right with me.
OneLastCigarette: there are more blurb-worthy TD statements
OneLastCigarette: i could go on
JCP001: he’s got some gems
OneLastCigarette: OneLastCigarette (6:10:48 PM): this album vs. the last lp
fillmerejive (6:11:42 PM): last one was better but i think they made the right choice, buck the hype by releasing a pretty much equally as good album just more than a year after the debut
OneLastCigarette (6:12:46 PM): thatll be all, thanks
JCP001: he just summed up what i said earlier with that. he’s a passionate guy, that duff
OneLastCigarette: ah, the ubiquitous tim duffy
OneLastCigarette: stand out tracks?
JCP001: teddy picker is a goody, fluorescent adolescent, this house is a circus…
JCP001: old yellow bricks. i’m staying away from the obvious brianstorm/single hugeness
OneLastCigarette: yeah its pretty huge
OneLastCigarette: im not used to bands i actually like making new albums less than seven years apart
OneLastCigarette: im still soaking it in
JCP001: it’s called being a working musician
OneLastCigarette: i heard thats what did george michael in, waiting too long before albums
OneLastCigarette: thats from the recording industry experts over at E!
JCP001: because now one cared when it happened
OneLastCigarette: i just wanna say uh, nine inch nails nine inch nails nine inch nails
OneLastCigarette: did you see how many hits we got off that phrase?
OneLastCigarette: oh, elvis, sasquatch, rosie odonnel, sir isaac newton
OneLastCigarette: nude celebrities
JCP001: dude we had a huge spike the other day why??
OneLastCigarette: i havent looked in a month
OneLastCigarette: what do you mean by spike
JCP001: like 50 views
OneLastCigarette: was it a tuesday
JCP001: thurs
OneLastCigarette: maybe a record of some band we mentioned came out or some shit i have no idea
OneLastCigarette: i hope they come back to read this
JCP001: bizarre
JCP001: most of the last few records i listened to i liked. maybe it won’t be a suck year
OneLastCigarette: i guess all the good bands were recording last year
JCP001: 2008 will suck
OneLastCigarette: theyre worn out now
10:35 PM
JCP001: the good bands will tour. we’ll be fucked
JCP001: i just put their records on shuffle. it all fits nicely
OneLastCigarette: new wu tang this year. im psyched
JCP001: surprises every turn
OneLastCigarette: i bet odb has more verses than the others
JCP001: his 20 word line on fishscale was weak
OneLastCigarette: i heard he recorded it after the heroin balloons in his stomach popped
OneLastCigarette: too soon?
JCP001: nah. if it were steve irwin it would be. maybe not…
OneLastCigarette: gator joke, gator joke…i got nuthin
JCP001: nick is pissed about this band huh?
OneLastCigarette: nick is pissed about every band thats not his
OneLastCigarette: thisll be a good way to find out if he reads these huh
JCP001: hate mail #2
JCP001: there’s some serious police activity going on over here
OneLastCigarette: gowanus, son
JCP001: rating for the record?
JCP001: we need to wrap up
OneLastCigarette: what happened outside? some hipster waifboy get knocked off his banana seat and raped
OneLastCigarette: 4
JCP001: shots fired. someone threw a gun so there’s like 8 cops with flashlights scouring the ground
JCP001: they got some fat thugs standing with their hands on the hood of a car and the cops tossed their vehicle.
JCP001: i watch the shield. i ain’t no snitch
OneLastCigarette: rating?
JCP001: i give these bleeding heart, charitable chaps a solid 4
OneLastCigarette: can we have eight little cops instead of fingers this time?
JCP001:piggies.jpg OneLastCigarette:piggies.jpg